1000MonkeysOnline | Small Town – Close Minded
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12 Sep Small Town – Close Minded

Being raised in a smaller town there were multiple benefits, close community, beautiful area, breath taking nature, and that true feeling of home. As much as I miss New Brunswick and appreciate it for what it is, there are a few things that I don’t miss about it.


Of course there are multiple members of many communities that are open minded and welcoming to different things, but lets be honest there are usually more people who will shoot a strange look your way if you stand out from a crowd.


Living in New Brunswick for the longest time I never felt like I could truly express who I was through what I wanted to, fashion. If you were to visit this beautiful place without a doubt the scenery and nature would take your breath away, but the fashion choices wouldn’t. Countless plaid shirts, denim, basic t’s, and sneakers. I truly believe that people should be able to express themselves exactly how they want to, and a big part of that is being able to wear exactly what you want.


The amount of times I’ve heard people say I wish I could pull that off or I wish I could wear that but i can’t is insane. People want to be able to express themselves without people passing judgement, but sadly there will always be someone around you that will. Many people who live in New Brunswick choose to stay there for their entire lives and not branch out to explore what else is out there. I completely think this is fine, but I also think that it’s only fair in life to let people be who they want to be.


If someone wants to wear an extremely fluffy pink coat, a larger wide brimmed hat, or a head to toe leather outfit, let them be exactly who they want to be. I’ve noticed over the years people have defiantly been much more open minded to different fashion choices, but there’s always someone who will ALWAYS make that one comment that will make you feel insecure or judged.


What I’ve learned living in a bigger city is to do you and not let anyone bring you down. Now when I go back home I embrace exactly who I am and my fashion choices and it could not make me any happier. There is no better feeling than wearing an outfit that you truly love and rocking it. Hopefully one day smaller towns will embrace more fashion and be able to wear exactly what they wish they could.



