1000MonkeysOnline | I F*cking Love Tom Hanks
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17 Oct I F*cking Love Tom Hanks

Ok, I get that some people say that love Tom Hanks, and it is all fine and good that they think that, but they are wrong.

I love Tom Hanks.


First of all, the man is a cinematic God. I know that the typical Hanks fan is all “Give me Forrest Gump or give me death,” and I get that, really I do. But, have you seen Castaway? If you haven’t, here is a brief synopsis: Tom Hanks is a FedEx worker with the worst luck, considering that by 15 minutes in he is officially stranded on a desert island with nothing but a few FedEx packages and the land to survive on. This man, THIS man, survives for FOUR years. He deals with loneliness, suicidal thoughts, and one nasty tooth. He battles the elements and somehow manages to look amazing doing it. Picture underwear model meets caveman but in the best possible way.


Tom Hanks is a FedEx worker with the worst luck, considering that by 15 minutes in he is officially stranded on a desert island with nothing but a few FedEx packages and the land to survive on. This man, THIS man, survives for FOUR years. He deals with loneliness, suicidal thoughts, and one nasty tooth. He battles the elements and somehow manages to look amazing doing it. Picture underwear model meets caveman but in the best possible way. Anyway, after all of this insanity, he still has to build a raft, lose his best friend Wilson, and become stranded on the open freakin’ ocean until he is saved.

That wasn’t even the sad part. He arrives home to find out that his wife, the one thing that gave him the strength to keep on living, has remarried. I get it, she was lonely, he was presumed dead, yatta yatta yatta. But, Helen Hunt, I think you should know that I would NEVER give up hope on Tom, and I am personally offended that you did.

Love you Tom

xx Taylor