1000MonkeysOnline | Feliz Navidad
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10 Dec Feliz Navidad

To you Feliz Navidad is probably just a fun christmas song talking about Christmas in Spanish. To me, Feliz Navidad is the most handsomest cat I adopted 3 years ago. His whole litter was named inspired by Christmas things. I decided I would call him Feliz for short because saying Feliz Navidad every time is just so long.


Adopting Feliz was definitely the best decision I had made in my life. I have always been passionate about animals and I always wanted a kitten but my parents never wanted to take on the responsibility when I was young. So once I got older and I could afford and take care of a pet myself, my best friend and I walked into Pet Smart where the Humane Society takes their kittens and animals to get adopted and it was love at first site once I saw Feliz. When we first got their, we were looking through the box at him and his siblings, his siblings didn’t care to much about are presents but Feliz kept knocking on the window and we could tell he wanted to play. My best friend and I decided to ask the worker if we could go in the back room to meet him. Feliz was not shy at all, he walked right up to us and starting playing, thats how I knew he was the one for me and that we would be best friends for life. He’s actually on my lap right now while I’m typing this, thats how close we are.

Now my life revolves around him, I always make sure he’s happy and comfortable before me, sometimes when I’m laying down and he’s with me, I will purposely stay uncomfortable because he is sleeping so peacefully and cute.


I can honestly say, when I adopted Feliz that day, I really adopted a friend for life. He has been there for me on my toughest days when I needed a snuggle or someone just there to cry too. Feliz has also been their on my happiest days, like when I got my first promotion to become a manager at work, or when I purchased my first car.


I would recommend anyone to adopt a kitten or cat from the Humane Society, it will be the best decision you will make.

