1000MonkeysOnline | Term Five Review
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10 Dec Term Five Review

I started this term very excited and thinking that a lot of the subjects were not going to be very difficult and the classes were going to be a breeze. That being said, I still really enjoyed this term, all the classes were really fun and interesting to attend, I learned more new skills when it comes to organization, writing, planning an event and fashion in film history.


All the classes this term have been very detailed and we have had to work on some very large projects. I think my favourite assignment that I have worked on this term will be the final assignment for our public relations course, I am finding it fun and I am enjoying the creative side of creating a media kit for the imaginary event we are hosting for a brand we chose, I’m chose to do a store launch for Chanel, so my media kit box I’m hoping will turn out to look like the Chanel store and then when you open the box you see all the information.


The other classes were interesting too. For event planning, we chose a company and had to plan an event for them, at the end of the term we even had to email the company to see if they wanted to attend our final presentation, talk about pressure, unfortunately the company I chose, The Toronto Humane Society was unable to make it, so I just presented to my class. In Fashion In Film we got to pick a subculture and do some research on them, that was definitely interesting to look into and talk to my parents about, to see which subculture they fit in to when they were younger. I also really enjoyed our final assignment in Organizational Behaviour, we chose a company we may want to work for in the future and had to write a report on their management style. I chose to do a Fashion PR company in Los Angeles called Mannfolk PR, I decided to email the founder for an informational interview and didn’t expect to hear back from her, but she actually took the time to talk with me which I found very cool and created more interest for me for my future. Attending the Breakfast Clubs Gala was a fun field trip this term with Digital Marketing, it was a great experience seeing all the children so happy and appreciative to be there.


To end off, overall I believe this term went very well and I am definitely eager to start the sixth term and then graduate. The future looks bright and I cannot wait for it to start.

