1000MonkeysOnline | Why I Love to Travel
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10 Dec Why I Love to Travel

Ever since I was young, my family has gone on vacation together at least once a year, sometimes road trips down south, or sometimes all-inclusive vacations to somewhere hot in the Caribbean Islands. Travelling is something that I have (with great appreciation), become accustomed to. Experiencing all these trips with family or friends has allowed me to learn about and experience new cultures and traditions I would never have imagined otherwise. I’ve seen many places around the world from the underdeveloped cities of Mexico, to the luxury city of London. Having seen and experienced life in another country (although it may seem minuscule), I’ve developed a deeper appreciation for life around the world than I think I ever would have without having lived a life of travelling. I am very fortunate to have my parents’ success be shared with me through things like travelling. I know a lot of people who have never even left Ontario and not to say they aren’t appreciative of the life they’ve been given, but I feel as though the respect and gratitude I have developed after having different experiences each time I’ve travelled throughout my life, is different. It has given me not only a truer understanding of the developmental gap that exists in some regions of the world, but also a better understanding of where I stand now, to where I would like to be in 10 years, give or take. For someone my age, I am certainly beyond lucky to have visited as many countries and cities as I already have, and I hope to continue to be able to travel and be successful enough in my future career to give my children the same experiences I had growing up.

If you have the opportunity to ever travel, I suggest you do. Do it while you’re young, you may not have the money but it’s better to travel as you please before you have major commitments to a career or significant other.

Bar Harbor, Maine, 2015