1000MonkeysOnline | Christmas Time in Toronto
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11 Dec Christmas Time in Toronto

Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year. My family is not religious in any way, we never have been, but we celebrate Christmas every year just like many other families do. Maybe it’s because my birthday comes right before Christmas, or maybe there’s just actually Christmas magic in the air, but something about the lights and snow and the decorations that just seems so magical. Every year I visit the Christmas Market in the distillery district which has gotten even more ridiculously busy over the past few years. The roadways are lined with small huts selling foods or gifts and the streets are decorated with lights creating an almost enclosed pathway at some points. There’s a large tree decorated with lights and ornaments and topped with a star, that sits in the middle square along with a couple rides and more vendors. The market is often packed to the point of not being able to move freely and the weather can be unbearably cold at times. But nonetheless, the market is a sight to see even if you have seen it before. When I was younger Christmas was of course, all about the presents under the tree, trying to get a peak before morning actually came. We would jump on our parents’ bed to wake them up so we could start opening presents. Now it is more about spending the day together as a family and we’ve created our own traditions over the years. Now every year, almost all year round I look forward to December. Not only do I get a break from school during the holidays, but it’s just a time of happiness and giving which I know sounds incredibly cliché but it makes me happy to see everyone in the Christmas spirit!

Toronto Distillery District Christmas Market