1000MonkeysOnline | My Secret Tonic
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11 Dec My Secret Tonic

My favorite quote is “We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret tonic to creativity. When we get home, home is still the same, but something in our minds has changed, and that changes everything.” It is written by American author, Jonah Leher. I can’t quite remember where I first saw this quote, but it has stayed with me since the day I read it. Not only does it have truth in every word written, but it also carries my own perspectives as well. It was 2015 when I went on my very first international trip to France and Spain. I had never been anywhere outside of North America before, other than Hawaii, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I can’t even recall being very excited for the trip at all. It was just another experience to me. I have been very fortunate growing up that my family loves traveling every year to a new destination spot. Though, they have always been relaxing tropic resorts intended for a break from life. I mean, no complaints there whatsoever. But this Europe trip opened a new experience for me that I am forever grateful for. It showed me that there are different ways of life all around the world and that it is extremely interesting to see their outlook on living. It was one year later that I traveled to Peru. Peru opened my eyes, and it opened my heart. The culture and religions are so different from how we live life here, and I think the most important mindset to bring on your travels is that no culture is wrong, or ugly. Dive into their diversity with an open heart, and accept all that accept you. I learned this lesson while on a trip to Indonesia in the summer of 2016. Love will always defeat the happiness in wealth. There is nothing that brings you peace within yourself more than traveling will.