1000MonkeysOnline | Success
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11 Dec Success

Everyone has heard about success stories, wishing they would be successful as well and how it can make or break a person. It is human tendency, a kind of survival instinct to aim for success. The definition of success depends on a person’s perception/opinion of what is important to them or what society considers as success. In general, financial wellbeing, class, status, recognitions through media and awards can all indicate a level of success. According to Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin group success is about happiness and fulfilment.

The definition of success is different for different personality types. According to the dictionary, success is defined as an accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Not everyone equates success in monetary terms or through rewards and recognitions, for some success means having the stability of a loving family and good friends, finding satisfaction and contentment in what they have. As said by James Altucher, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway at a meeting ‘success is measured by how many people love me’.

The realization of what we truly want is a step towards personal success. Some people would achieve success according to society’s standards and theory but in reality that person will not truly be content or happy. They will always lack a sense of achievement. It’s best to realize what we are passionate about and work hard towards making those dreams a reality.

Success can mean family, success can mean a happy life, a peaceful life, a healthy life, a purposeful life where you are giving back to the world. There are a lot of ways to achieve success but always remember to stay grounded. Nothing is permanent in this world. It is important to help others achieve their dreams as well. The satisfaction that you get when you help out others is inexplicable. Let us strive to be successful human beings and better people.