1000MonkeysOnline | What It’s Really Like Growing Up With a Sister
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11 Dec What It’s Really Like Growing Up With a Sister

My sister and I are three years apart. It’s just the two of us (and our parents). When we were younger, we went to an elementary school far outside of our home district. I live in the north-west end of the city while I attended school downtown up until the end of grade 6. The reason we went to school down there was so my mum could drop us off on her way to work. It was simpler than finding a daycare in the area we live in. So this means all of the friends my sister and I made growing up, were strictly school friends. There was t many kids in my area that were my age so as sad as that sounds, my sister was my only friend at the time. Naturally, she didn’t want her little sister following her around all of time. We fought constantly growing up, and I’m not talking about a shove here and there. No, we were throwing punches and kicks even though we knew we would get in shit with our parents. It wasn’t until I went to high school that the flip switched on our relationship. We went to the same high sch

ool, so when I was in grade 9, she was in grade 12, and we started hanging out a lot more. Of course I had made my own friends by that point, but I also spent a lot of time with my sister and her friends. From this point on we became the best of friends, hung out constantly, shared clothing and everything. This happened again when I started my first year of university at Queens University, she was in her fourth year at the same school so again, we spent a lot of time together. We would make dinner together at her place, or go out together, or even just go to the library together. Being at the same school definitely changed the relationship we had for the better and now we are closer than ever.

The sisterly bond is one like no other, even a best friend who is like a sister to you couldn’t truly match up.