1000MonkeysOnline | What It’s Really Like Moving Away to College
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11 Dec What It’s Really Like Moving Away to College

You have finally graduated high school, and you’re moving away to college for this first time. You are moving out for the first time, period. You have never been without all of your best friends before, and it’s been a long since you have had to make new friends.

You have no idea what to expect, except that you hope your floor mates are friendly. You and your roommate have messaged each other a couple times to get to know more about each other, but still you have no idea what they are like. Freedom has never felt so close before, and as much as you love your family, you are ready to go. It’s time to be independent and be an adult. But let’s talk about the real questions you never realized you needed/did in college:

  1. “Sleep, study, party” Pick two.
  2. You are so busy with your part time job and school you don’t have time to cook proper meals for yourself.
  3. You are too lazy to cook proper meals for yourself anyways.
  4. My bathroom is ALWAYS dirty. How did Mom keep it so clean at home?
  5. How/ when do you use bleach again?
  6. Does this shirt go in the dryer?
  7. Why didn’t I think of detergent pods before I brought 2 bottles of detergent and softener with me?
  8. I really need to stop wearing my shoes inside.
  9. Imagine if Mom knew I haven’t washed my duvet in over a month.
  10. There are never enough Command Strips.