1000MonkeysOnline | Attending Toronto Film School
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17 Feb Attending Toronto Film School

When i first decided to join TFS and being my post secondary education, I was confused at first you are so pressure within 4 years of high school to find what your ‘passion’ is or what you want to do for the rest of your life now that is a big commitment  for a 18 year old. Now  listen some students know what they want to become when the are in HS and some students like myself had no clue what i wanted to do, I was in between becoming a history teacher to becoming a nurse two things i did not even want to do but was interested in so that is why i took 3 years to figure out what the hell i wanted to do with my life then one day bored out of my mind i decided to look up fashion schools in the GTA and the first website to pop up was Toronto Film School now the name of the school is very misleading but once you see the programs then it really gets you going it got me excited this is something that finally connected me to my passion which was Fashion now i didn’t want to design clothes i more wanted to be the brains behind the fashion and that is what led to picking Fashion Marketing& Entertainment. I couldn’t be anymore happier with the program i chose and the collage i decided  to attend to, yes it is very pricey but the teachers and the knowledge you get is what makes up for the price you pay. I am very glad i chose to attend Toronto Film School and would not choose any other collage to get my education from.

Anatasia Fung