1000MonkeysOnline | Emily’s Common Cold Tips
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05 Mar Emily’s Common Cold Tips

Emily’s Common Cold Tips.

Getting sick sucks. Take it from me, the girl that always gets sick. When you live a country with a gruelling winter and yes I’ll admit I don’t always put my health first, it is bound to happen. Not only do you feel terrible but it puts a stop to your schedule and let alone the plans you made this weekend.

Yes! I defiantly need to focus on immunity heath and have been for the past year. I will follow up with another blog post on how to avoid getting sick and strengthen your immune system. But… in the meantime let’s talk about what to do when you get sick, how to make yourself feel better and my favorite recovery products.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor


I can’t stress enough that you need to sleep. As hard as it is to slow down our busy schedules, sleep is the #1 most important component when recovering from a cold. If you tend to go to bed at 12 every night aim for 9:30 or earlier you really want to sleep as much as you can so your body can rest and recuperate.

Take it easy.

Yes you may have to take a few days off work or school but sometimes that’s exactly what the body needs to get better. Continuing our busy lives with a cold results in an extended recoup time making you feel even more miserable and regret not resting when you first felt that sore throat coming on. WHY DOES IT ALWAYS START WITH THE THROAT?!?!

Whether your boss believes you or not putting yourself as first priority you’ll be much more useful camping out on the couch for a few days than attempting to get any work done and blow your nose at the same time. Plus, you can finally finish that Netflix series you’ve been meaning to!


Lmao “pharmaceuticals” sounds so serious but I thought it was fitting.

Last time I started to feel sick I asked the pharmacist what were the best products I could get to prevent my symptoms and give me fast relief, she straight up told me that it was all marketing and all I could do was rest and take an Ibuprofen for my throat. WHAT??!!

Besides that harsh reality, here are my favourite common cold remedies.

Tea and honey and popsicles are very soothing on the throat and keep you hydrated.

Adding cumin, turmeric, lemon, ginger, honey in to hot water. It doesn’t taste amazing but gets the done.

Neocitran Drowsy for night non-drowsy for the day.


NyQuil is amazing especially if you having trouble falling asleep.

Get better soon!