1000MonkeysOnline | Dumb Things Millennials Do.
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19 Mar Dumb Things Millennials Do.

Dumb Things Millennials Do.

Spending all our money on expensive coffee and brunch.

Earlier this year, Australian millionaire, Tim Gurner told the world; millennials can’t afford to buy homes because we spend all our money on avocado toast and $4 coffee. The Internet being the Internet completely mocked his comments as there’s no mention of expensive student loans or the climbing housing market. I’m not sure I completely agree with Mr. RichyRich, but does he have a point? Regular hung-over Sunday brunches and Starbucks Frappuccino’s do take a nice bite out of your bank balance.

Thinking it’s the end of the world when the WIFI goes down.

That rare time WIFI goes down or is not to be found, we are at a complete loss to find things to do. UGHHH, how am I supposed to creep Instagram without using up all my data?!

In my mother’s words: Read a book honey.

Confusing Instagram with Reality.

In a world oversaturated with “internet influencers” aka: pretty people globetrotting and flexing the coolest new products. It’s important to remember these lifestyles aren’t always attainable. Knowing the difference between having fun and looking like you’re having fun are two very separate things.

Binge watching Netflix.

How much is TOO much? 4 maybe 5 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy? Come on guys, lets get out of the house and socialize perhaps? If anything I’m sure we can find some free WIFI at the bar.


This easy alternative to smoking has taken millennials by storm. You can do it practically anywhere, anytime, there are even international competitions believe it or not! Their tricks can be quite impressive I hate admit. But let’s get real. Your bubble gum scented clouds aren’t as cool as you think nor are unwelcome blowing in my face as I walk past you. If that isn’t enough, vaping can have just as high of health risks as cigarettes especially on your gums.