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19 Mar Pearl’s of Wisdom

Pearl’s OF Wisdom

5 Tips to Help You Heal From Trauma

Trauma comes in many different guises. These events usually leave the individual feeling many things, none f them good but all of them ultimately requiring the individual to wear a disguise; hiring what they experience and feelings.

There are Keys that have helped me and other people conquer trauma and I would like to share them with you.

P             Purge- Do what is needed t0 remove the negative, unhealthy emotions of anger and guilt and self-degradation. Exercise is the most constructive way of doing this. The American Phycological Association states that, Exercise can relieve stress, reduce depressing and improve cognitive function.

E              Evaluate your emotions- Take the time to figure out where you emotionally. You’re not going to be “okay” and that’s okay. Self-Evaluation is some-thing you should do on a regular basis, it allows you to not only asses your strengths, but also things yu may need to work out in the future.

A             Acceptance- Accept what has happened to you. Repeat After Me. Yes, it happened. It happened. It happened to me.

R             Reconciliation-This will be a period of restoration. Your morals or beliefs system will be the foundation for your resolution. Relationships are important and sometimes reconciliation may involve you reaching out to those around you. Just having someone there to listen will help whether they are a professional or a friend.

L              Learn to love- Learn to love yourself. Trauma caused by sexual abuse usually has you playing the blame game; blaming yourself for another person’s actions. You are not at fault. You cannot be held responsible for another person’s actions. Do the things you love and spend time with those you love.