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23 Mar Leaders

The world as surpassed many changes during the years, especially in 2016. In my honest opinion the world is not going in a positive path rather evolving to become a safer and more secure ways. The decision that our leaders do makes me doubt about the future that waits for us.

Firstly, the world should take note that, progress takes time and a lots of effort before a spark of change can be seen. Society has improved in many different ways this year, always trying to help each other, to achieve to the best of our abilities. Many celebrities use there names to help others, people like the idea of being or acting like them, its creating a movement for a place. The people have to work together to give hope to the persons that don’t have the possibilities of making a change and so, our planet will become a better and stronger place.

In other words, there is certain places where they wish things would go better… way faster. Some places are still extremely dangerous and having wars. Sadly, it makes many victims, innocent people are dying because of our selfishness. Injustices in the world are working against everyone how tries to make it a better place. Some countries are to self-centered to open up their eyes and help others or even join forces. For example, in the United States of America, Donald Trump said that if he is elected, he would build a wall between Mexico and the USA, that is the example of a place that is not going to become great in the next year.

In conclusion, if society want to live in a better place in the future, it has to work together and not against itself. It is the only way to progress… Team work.