1000MonkeysOnline | Greenhouse juices
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26 Mar Greenhouse juices

Located between Summerhill and Rosedale subway stations, the little house on Macpherson is Greenhouse’s original home. Greenhouse juices first opened the doors of their little house on the morning of January 8th, 2014. They didn’t think anyone beyond our immediate family would walk through them.

Their juices are cold pressed: We use hydraulic pressure to extract juice from our ingredients while minimizing heat and oxygen, for a nutrient-dense product with enzymatic activity intact. They press all of our juices in small batches right here in Toronto. We don’t use preservatives, additives, pasteurization, or HPP (high pressure processing)–they’re the real deal, so please keep them chilled.

They started off with humble beginnings where they would be selling products that was all but unheard of in Toronto at the time.

Much to their surprise, people did come. A good number of people, not all of whom were our close relatives and friends. In fact, so many people had come through that they had sold an entire night’s worth of juice within a few hours. They decided to kept the doors open until sundown, offering colorful samples to those who had made the pilgrimage through ice and snow but were too late. Greenhouse is a proudly Canadian company. Their mission is to offer widespread, sustainable access to plant-based nutrition of the highest quality. They aim to make life-enhancing products, to delight palates, to build inspiring spaces, and to broaden perspectives. They promise is to be a welcoming and inclusive community, to anticipate needs before they are voiced, and to treat everyone with thoughtfulness and respect. The goal is to make it simple to savor the present while looking out for a healthy future.