1000MonkeysOnline | Spring Trend 2018: The Age Old Fanny Pack
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28 Mar Spring Trend 2018: The Age Old Fanny Pack

Since the pre-historic times, archaeologists have found evidences of the use of fanny packs. Maybe they didn’t call them that back then, but the undying accessory keeps making rounds a couple times at least in every generation. Fanny Pack, also known as belt bag or a bum bag, is making a comeback. My oldest Aunt still wears one when she goes out to the day, & she is 68. So  she feels very on trend right now 🙂

                                   Actor “The Rock” Rocking a fanny pack in the 90’s

From ultra-nineties nylon to tiny belt bags, the fanny pack took over the Spring 2018 runways in endless shapes and forms.

This year around, the emphasis is on the hands-free summer bags. The time for long coats and deep pockets is over now and that’s what leads to the perfect timing to introduce the never ending trend once again. This trend has been making headlines as to who is for or against it. However most big name brands have voted “for”. Designers brands like Gucci, Calvin Kline, Prada, Chanel and Louis Vuitton have showcased the modernized fanny packs and belt bags.

From left: Gucci, Marc Jacobs, Zimmermann, Balenciaga

The street style crowd love to wear the waist bag with visible logo, proposed also by Gucci on the runway. The beauty about Gucci accessories is that they are always on step ahead of the trends so by the time it reaches the masses people can’t wait to get their hand on one. The Gucci belt bag has taken over the instagram a world and it is the newest trendiest item to have in your closet. You can wear it with a oversized hoodie and a sheer skirt and you can also wear it with a suit.

See the source image

We can deny it no longer: the fanny pack is here to stay. No matter your aesthetic, there’s a hip-slung bag for you: strap on a sporty number from Rihanna’s runway, go minimalist with Rochas, or wear it on the diagonal with Balenciaga.