1000MonkeysOnline | Astrology 101: The Planets – Moon
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02 Apr Astrology 101: The Planets – Moon

The Power of Instinct

The Moon expresses your emotions, the inner you, that which makes you feel secure.

There are many people who connect with their astrological sun sign, but, to be fair, your moon or lunar sign can be equally as important. For example, there are some people who do not connect with their sun sign and the main reason may be that their lunar sign has more influence over their personality.The position of the moon in the zodiac at the time of your birth is your moon sign. This sign is especially important for women as the moon is considered the patroness of women and has female qualities.

My moon is in the sign Scorpio.

People with this placement  seek out emotional intensity, while others may find security and comfort in material things. No matter what, there is something very intense about Lunar Scorpios. They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion; they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to “see” what isn’t obvious to the rest of the world can be intimidating to others or wildly attractive, depending on the audience.

Most have powerful, emotionally intense lives. Some feel like it is beyond their control; these natives seem to attract emotional upheaval, and their lives appear to consist of plenty of dramatic ups and downs. However, when accepted as an emotional need, rebirth and change doesn’t need to be so dramatic and overwhelming. In some way or the other, Moon in Scorpio natives seek out intense experiences. If their lives are regular in any way, there can be an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement. Self-awareness and acceptance is probably the best way to handle this deep need for emotional drama.